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Difficulty rating - Mountain Hiking | Four elements

Difficulty rating - Mountain Hiking

The tables here show the difficulty, fitness and experience gradings of our tours, so that you can find the right tour for you.

Mountain Hiking Tour Grading

Mountain Hiking Tour Grading Trails / Terrain Requirements Examples of tours
1. Easy Easy, accessible trails- often wide and well marked. Limited exposed areas- if so there is protective fencing/ railing. Risk of falling very low.
Gentle inclines and mainly even terrain. No previous hiking experience necessary.
Hiking shoes/ boots (A/B) Spitzingsee - Rotwandhaus, Partnachklamm, Rechlkopf
2. Medium Narrower, sometimes steeper trails. In places exposed. Risk of falling possible.
Uneven, varied terrain.
Sure-footedness & good head for heights.
Hiking boots with solid grip & good ankle support. (B, B/C)
Jochberg, Seekarspitze, Heimgarten
3. Demanding Narrower, steeper trails. Longer exposed sections. Short, secured sections that might require occasional scrambling- using hands to hold onto a steel rope or rock for balance.
Uneven, varied terrain, possible short stretches across snow or scree fields or trackless routes.
Solid sure-footedness & head for heights.
Good, stable hiking boots with good grip & ankle support. (B/C)
Schafreuter, Notkarspitze, Benediktenwand
4. High Alpine Narrow, steep, mainly exposed trails. Extended stretches requiring scrambling/ climbing.
All variety of terrain, longer stretches across snow or scree fields, glaciers and trackless routes.
Solid alpine experience, sure-footedness & head for heights.
Mountaineering boots with good grip & ankle support.
Depending on tour- compatible with crampons (C)
Potentially other necessary equipment e.g. crampons, ropes.
Schildenstein via the Wolfsschlucht, Zugspitze

Mountain Fitness Grading

Mountain Fitness Grading Fitness Requirements General fitness
1. Basic You can comfortably walk to elevations of 400m and can manage walking up to 3hrs/ day. You have a basic fitness level.
You walk regularly at home without elevation.
Occasional other aerobic fitness e.g. running, swimming, cycling, tennis etc.
2. Hiker You can comfortably hike to elevations of 800m and manage hiking up to 5-6hrs/ day You have a good fitness level.
You walk regularly at home and hike with elevation a few times a year.
You may participate regularly in other aerobic sports e.g. running swimming, cycling, tennis etc.
3. Strong Hiker You can comfortably hike to elevations of over 1000m and manage hiking up to 7-8hrs/ day You have a very good fitness level. You hike regularly and with similar elevation gains.
You practice other aerobic sports frequently e.g. running swimming, cycling, tennis etc.
4. Mountaineer You can comfortably hike to elevations of over 1500m and manage hiking up to 10-12hrs/ day You are extremely fit. You regularly undertake longer tours with high elevation gains.
You practice other aerobic sports frequently e.g. running swimming, cycling, tennis etc.

Experience Grading

Experience Grading (e.g. Culture, Cuisine, Tradition, Landscape, Flora & fauna)
Opportunities for experiencing along the tour
1. Slight
2. Likely
3. High
4. Very high

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