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Sustainability | Four elements

Environmental Sustainability

nature, meadow, mountains

Our workplace, classroom and playground are the mountains, forests, meadows and streams – and we believe strongly that through supporting education and experiences in these environments, we can foster real understanding, responsibility and protection for these wonderful settings.

We are committed to minimising the impact of our work and tours- both environmentally and socially - ensuring that if anything, we are leaving communities and the environment in a better place.

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We do this as follows:

Reducing our energy consumption: modern and energy efficient living/ office space with latest technology for energy efficiency

Using sustainable energy sources for heating and power (energy through wooden pellets, electricity from local renewable energy source)

Designing events and tours which have an inherently low carbon footprint – e.g. choosing public transport over private transfers, avoiding over-touristed areas

Working with partners with shared values – from our website hosts to hotels and guesthouses

Small group travel

Off-setting any carbon emissions for 100% of our tours through myclimate, a non-profit organisation supporting climate protection worldwide


Logo myclimate

myclimate is a non-profit organisation supporting individuals, companies and organisations to support climate protection through consulting services, education and climate protection projects.

myclimate promotes quantifiable climate protection and long-lasting development worldwide. Through these projects, emissions are reduced by replacing fossil fuel sources with renewable energies and by implementing energy-efficient technologies. Furthermore it provides interactive and action-based educational projects, investing in the long-term awareness and responsibility of climate protection.

Through off-setting your carbon emissions with an organisation such as myclimate, you are funding science-based long-term high-quality climate protection work and education.

Off-set your carbon emissions

In 2021 we off-set 4,30 tonnes of CO2 emissions.

Certificate 2021 Certificate 2022
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